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Altram is a community-based regional support organization representing Irish-language early years and naiscoils across Northern Ireland. It provides a wide range of services and publications including training materials, certification training, immersion education, nursery books, homework and support publications as well as support packs for parents who are not bilingual.

Altram has completed its innovative early years Irish-language immersion education training centre Two Windows on the World Centre in partnership with Comhairle na Gaelscaiochta, the organization specifically responsible for the Irish-medium early years sector, the North West Regional College, the statutory body for the promotion of Irish-medium education in Northern Ireland, Ultach, a Belfast-based charity and the University of Ulster. The Centre’s core activity will be to deliver a University accredited Certificate of Irish-language Immersion Education in the Early Years that meets the requirements of the Department of Education of Northern Ireland to teach in the naiscoils.

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