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May Day (Beltane)

A bonfire was lit on May Eve and wasn’t extinguished until sunset of May Day. Chairs were set up around the bonfire to “sit out the wake of winter.” “New fire” had to be brought back to the home from the flames. In some areas, it was considered unlucky to bathe, sail or whitewash as there may be fairies afoot. Rain was welcomed. “A wet and windy May fills the barn with corn and hay.” A cold, east wind was a bad omen, and frost meant hard times to come. Any injury on May Day was especially difficult to cure, but this was the best time of year to gather medicinal herbs. A child born on May Day had the gift of “seeing the fairies,” but it was believed that the child would not live a long life. The first water taken from the well was known as the “top of the well.” It brought luck and healing to the rightful owner, but in evil hands it could do great harm. So, if you are wise, on this May Day, leave the fairies an offering of food at the door or at a fairy fort so you will be safe from their mischief!    (Irish Culture and Customs)

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