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Did You Know?

Canadian writer, Will Ferguson, has received the 2010 “Stephen Leacock Medal of Humour” for his travel book, “Beyond Belfast” (subtitled: A 560 mile walk around Northern Ireland on sore feet). He tells of his walk along the Ulster Way — narrowly surviving death by lorry, drowning, mugging, death by a wayward bull, but a frenzied dog and by an electrified fence.

It is a story of cow pats, blisters and rain of more varieties than the Eskimos have snow. He travelled to research his grandfather’s past and rumors of a family castle. It turns out he was not a long-lost lord and didn’t inherit a castle. If that had been the case, he would have stopped writing the book half-way through and would be in his castle drinking champagne.
Publisher: Penquin Group, Canada   Available through Amazon.com or book stores.

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