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Did you Know?

Imbus were secret rituals practiced by the Druids.  They possessed forbidden knowledge unknown to others allowing them to predict the future.

In Celtic society, the Bards were the keepers of tradition or the memory of the tribe.

Brendan Behan Quote

“There is no situation so bad that the arrival of a policeman does not make it worse.”

Did You Know?

The Celts found truth in all of nature–tree, animal, hill and sky, the protection of fire and the blessing of water.

Did you Know?

Horses were considered integral to Celtic life.  In legends the horse and the owner are one.  Celtic knot work entwines three horses.

Infant of Prague Statue

A statue of the Infant of Prague is displayed in many Irish homes and is essential to an Irish wedding to insure good weather.  It is put outside the church or buried in the garden to make sure it won’t rain on the special day, but it is essential they knock the head off the statue for maximum efficiency.  It is also customary to put coins under the statue to insure the house will never run out of money.

Irish Toast

I’ll drink to your coffin.  May it be built from the wood of a 100-year old oak tree that will be planted tomorrow.

A brief moment in time when the veil between the living and the dead is parted.  The dead now have access to the living and the past, present and future combine.  The Irish built fires to ward off evil spirits and costumes were worn as disguises so they wouldn’t be carried off to the land of the dead.

The Tricolor was brought from France in 1843.

Kerry Gravestone Epitath

On a gravestone in Kerry: “This is the grave of Mike O’Day who died maintaining his right of way.  His right was clear, his will was strong.  But he’s just as dead as if he’d been wrong.”

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